Cooper Cottages is committed to minimising the environmental impact of our self-catering cottages. We recognise the importance of preserving Scotland’s natural beauty and resources for future generations, and we are dedicated to implementing sustainable practices throughout our operations. Our environmental policies shows our developing commitment to sustainability and outlines the steps we will take to reduce our environmental footprint.
Our Sustainability Policy

By implementing these measures, we aim to operate our self-catering cottages in Scotland in an environmentally responsible manner, contributing to the preservation of Scotland’s natural heritage for future generations.
Conservation of Natural Resources
We try to limit our water usage by encouraging all our guests to separate used towels and bedding, so that unnecessary laundry is avoided. This reduces the waste of water, materials, transport, and energy.
We encourage all our property owners to use only LED / low energy lighting. We plan to encourage owners to remove external “fixed” lighting, and replace with lighting on movement sensors.
We are encouraging owners to make greater use of remote controlled heating systems, allowing the cottage to be pre-warned, only just ahead of guest’s arrival, and to moderate temperatures, if guests set temperatures exceptionally high.
We also provide an email “pre-guest arrival “ alerts by email, so owners can set a comfortable and welcoming temperature of guest’s arrival, without wasting excessive energy.
Waste and Recycling
We provide detailed re-cycling, composting and ‘day-of-collection’ instructions with each cottage.
Sustainable Purchasing
We will prioritise the purchase of environmentally friendly products and materials, including those made from recycled or renewable materials.
We will source locally produced goods and services whenever possible to support the local economy and reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation.
Cooper Cottages has partnered with local business and organisation. By using local services, suppliers and trades, we support the local economy and the people who live in the community.
Shopping and self-catering
We encourage our guests to shop locally, especially from the list of local suppliers and stores.
We provide a list of farmer’s markets so guests can support local business and reduce food miles
Fuel types and Electricity Tariffs
We encourage our property owners to switch to greener fuels. We encourage the use of log burning stoves, as being a renewable fuel, and using greener energy tariffs, where renewables is a higher mix, or the entire mix of the electricity generated – 100% renewable and non-nuclear.
Use of Electric Vehicles
The company owners of Cooper Cottages operate all electric vehicles, for travelling for all personal and business needs, and in maintaining the Cottages. We encourage cleaners, partners, supplier and contractors to use Electric Vehicles.
We plan to roll-out information and support for cottage owners, to encourage the locating of on-site EV-charging stations at the property. Also we will enhance the website and information provided to guests, about the nearest locations of publicly available EV charing points. Through attracting a greater proportion of guest with Electric Vehicles, we are reducing the carbon footprint of the guests who choose our cottages.